Grey Matters – Growing old’s not for wimps

Towards the end of this month I am turning 80. I feel like I need to say it often to myself to be convinced that I really will be 80 years old. I don’t know of anyone in my family who has lived to my age and I am grateful for good health and vitality.

I am fortunate to have a family who are planning on a special celebration and I continue to smile at my youngest grandson’s amazement when he found out my great age! I still remember asking my mother when I was about 12 what it was like to be her advanced age of around 55 and she replied she still felt 18 inside. I can’t say I feel 18 but I must admit I don’t feel old.

But – there is often a ‘but’, isn’t there? – I am realising it takes a certain kind of courage to face old age. Reality is I’m not as strong as I used to be and I don’t have quite the energy or staying power I used to have. I can’t do some of the things I used to do. I don’t even want to do some of the things I used to do and yet I wish I could do some other things I used to do.  Then there are other things I still do but it takes longer to do them and it’s not nearly as easy as it used to be. I’m not going to go into any more detail but if you are in my age bracket as you read this you will know exactly what I am talking about.

I am getting older and nearly every day I am reminded of that and sometimes my thoughts go to wondering what it will be like in the future. I did some gardening this morning and as I straightened out the kinks in my back I remembered the often repeated phrase ‘getting old isn’t for wimps.

So where does courage fit in? My dictionary says courage is the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty and I believe we need to have that sort of courage as we grow older so we can find peace and even enjoyment in the process. I find gratitude of great value to my mental wellbeing. I am grateful for so many things – for my husband, my family, for living in beautiful New Zealand with all it provides, for the past generations who sowed into this nation and helped provide what we enjoy today, for every experience I have gone through. I didn’t enjoy them all but I learnt a great deal along the way and in some of them grew in perseverance, resilience and courage to face the next day.

Yes we need to look after our physical health with good food and exercise, age proofing our accommodation and calling for help when we need it, but let’s not neglect our mental wellbeing and look at our circumstances with gratitude, faith and courage. For me personally growing in faith and trust in a good God has been of the most benefit. I will finish with some of my favourite quotes about courage.

Courage is – saying sorry, knowing when to say ‘enough’, saying I love you, I forgive you, saying yes, saying no, being truthful with oneself, knowing when we screwed up, admitting we can’t cope alone, letting go, reaching out, being willing to receive, choosing love over fear, asking for help, stopping to rest, letting the tears flow, continuing through adversity.