One Warkworth – United we stand

The benefits of having a strong, united voice for the wider Warkworth area have come to the fore with some significant gains achieved by One Warkworth recently. Following the Town Hall talk with Mahurangi Action, we are pleased Auckland Council has reconsidered removing the weir while more research and investigation is carried out on the local whitebait population.

We are also hopeful of a better outcome for the proposed Matakana link road, with indications that Auckland Transport (AT) is looking at options for the possible four-laning of the road. This follows a number of different meetings with the likes of Transport Minister Phil Twyford; Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter; Rodney MPs Mark Mitchell, Marja Lubeck and Jenny Marcroft; Rodney Councillor Greg Sayers, Rodney Local Board chair Beth Houlbrooke, and the CEO and executive general manager of planning at AT.
We believe we have made significant progress in getting AT to consider a design for Matakana link road that more closely reflects the needs and wants of everyone who lives here.

By the time this edition of Mahurangi Matters goes to print, we will have also held a public meeting and panel discussion on the draft Warkworth Structure Plan (see story p13). The structure plan will guide the development of Warkworth to cater for a five-fold increase in the population, providing land zoned for houses; commercial, business and industrial use; green open spaces and recreational use; schools and more.

From a business perspective, we want to make sure there is land available for existing businesses to expand and for new businesses that offer different types of jobs to be established. We have serious concerns that the existing Rural Urban Boundary and the topography of the land within it, limits the ability to achieve this.  

The above issues show just how effective a strong, united voice can be and we would like to thank all those individuals and groups who support One Warkworth and help us coordinate this effort. Thank you.

In other news, One Warkworth is continuing to advance the following initiatives:
•    A proposal to install security cameras in Glenmore and Morrison Drives
•    A panel discussion on cannabis law reform and the potential impact on employers and employees, who by law have a duty to ensure a safe workplace
•    Keeping a close watch on Capital Gains Tax, with the possibility of holding a panel discussion in the future
•    A proposal to provide business members’ access to free professional support services (terms and conditions apply)
•    Ongoing discussions about accessing fibre to provide high-speed broadband to Warkworth
•    Supporting the new Warkworth markets being held at The Oaks every Sunday
•    Networking and community events

As always, we acknowledge the fabulous support of our sponsors, and of course welcome new members – just give me a bell on 0274 966 550.

Murray Chapman, One Warkworth Manager

One Mahurangi - Manager