Homebuilders – Numbers you may need

With so many of us under emotional and financial stress at the moment, it’s not surprising lots of people are feeling pretty fragile. This is the time to be using the supports available to each of us so that small problems don’t escalate and to ensure we have good plans in place to manage problems which are already big and may get bigger.

It seems that for many of us when we were growing up we got the message that asking for help is a shameful thing and  a sign of weakness. This is especially so for us men. While rationally this makes no sense, it can still deter us from asking our family, friends or support agencies for support.

It’s good to be able to pass on a different message to the next generation by showing that it’s clever to reach out and ask for support early on, rather than just bury our head in the sand and hope the problem will go away.

If you or someone you know needs support here are some useful numbers:
•    Homebuilders Family Services free help around relationships/parenting, 425 7048
•    Government 24-hour free helpline with trained counsellors, text or call 1737
•    Your local GP is a great local source of support and information
•    DHB Mental Health Crisis Team (CATT TEAM) 487 1414, after hours 486 8900
•    Hestia Women’s Refuge, 0800 321 361
•    Abuse Prevention Services – courses around non-violent and respectful relationships, 422 2102
•    Women’s Centre Rodney – free counselling for women, 425 7261
•    CAB Wellsford, 423 7333
•    Warkworth/Wellsford Budget Service – free budgeting advice, 423 7123
•    Lifeline, 0800 543 354
•    Youthline, 0800 376 633
•    Family Services Directory, 0800 211 211. Free call from a cell phone and they can link you to all other services.

Quentin Jukes, Homebuilders Coordinator