Mahurangi Matters, 4 November 2020 – Readers Letters

Defence of road works

Regarding the letter about Watercare constructing a sewage pipe along Mahurangi East Road (MM Oct 14). I live on Mahurangi East Road and am experiencing the road works now. I’ve found the traffic controllers very polite and helpful. I have not noticed any broken trees, excess gravel or rubbish, and where did you get the idea that most of us have our own water and sewage systems? I doubt that very much. Perhaps if you had more knowledge of the pressing need of a new pipe, you would not be so critical.

Jaques Gumbley, Mahurangi East

Watercare also responded to the original letter by Sandy Free saying the works were being tidied up and that Auckland Transport is planning further road reinstatement. “This major wastewater infrastructure project will benefit the environment and cater for future growth. The new outfall pipe will convey highly treated wastewater out to sea and these discharges will meet resource consent conditions,” a spokesperson said – Ed.

Persistent problem

“Warkworth has had its difficulties with the Hill Street crossing with traffic converging from five ways. It is a situation which continues to this day. In the years ahead from 1977, various panaceas were submitted, from an under-pass, an over-pass, to a deviation, to a crossing further south. Probably traffic lights will be an eventual solution though not an entirely satisfactory one.” This is a quote from Harry Bioletti’s book titled Rodney – Coast to Coast 1976 to 1989, published in 1992. It is a sad fact that the Hill Street intersection continues to be a huge bottleneck due to the procrastination and reluctance of NZTA and AT to solve the problem. With Warkworth’s population expected to be around 25,000 by 2050 there seems little relief in the future. Had an under-pass, an over-pass, a deviation, a crossing further south been developed 43 years ago we would not be in this situation.

Neil Hatfull, Warkworth