Introducing: The Travel Brokers, Chriss Kavanagh

Chriss Kavanagh’s 25-year travel addiction has taken her to London’s Big Ben, The Great Wall of China and Machu Picchu, and into a career in the travel industry.

After 15 years with Flight Centre, she is about to begin a new journey with The Travel Brokers. She says it will be an opportunity to share her wealth of experience with people who share her passion.

Chriss got the travel bug when she was 19 and headed to the UK on a 10-year OE.

“I wanted to see the world,” she says. “I just had a backpack and a dream.”

While based in London, Chriss travelled and worked in Europe for a decade.

On returning to NZ she started a career as a travel agent, which allowed her to be paid to travel and help others see the world.

The job has lead to a myriad of experiences, covering many countries and continents, including India “the biggest culture shock”, Cuba “amazing history and streets lined with classic cars”, Bolivia “humble, happy people” and Burma “a photographer’s dream”.

Chriss moved to Mahurangi a decade ago and helped establish Warkworth Flight Centre. She started with The Travel Brokers last month.

“You have to really understand someone to find them the holiday of their dreams. “Working from home, I can take the time to sit down and have a coffee with someone, meet at a cafe, or at their home or office, and find out exactly what they are looking for. I can use my experience and knowledge, and together we can plan the perfect trip. And if, for some reason, something goes wrong while they are overseas, I’m just a phone call away.”

For her next trip, Chriss is going on a Caribbean cruise before embarking on an 800km bicycle ride from Guatemala to Belize across mountainous country with ancient Mayan ruins.