Consultation soon on water strategy for Auckland

Solutions to problems that are muddying Auckland’s waterways are the subject of work within Auckland Council, Watercare and Auckland Transport (AT) that is taking a very long time to surface.

Since the Environment and Community Committee approved the creation of “a strategy for Auckland’s waters”, with the aim of improving water management, at its meeting last June, Council, Watercare and AT staff have begun by identifying Auckland’s water issues.

Last November the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board was asked to provide input on the proposed topics for inclusion in the strategy.

Among the suggested issues are: cleaning up our waterways, meeting future water needs, growth in the right places and adapting to a changing water future.

While supporting these suggestions, the local board members also asked that there be a focus on proactively monitoring streams and waterways in order to track the sedimentation and pollution caused by development and other earthworks, especially affecting the Okura, Weiti and Orewa estuaries.

They also emphasised the need to work with other councils and Government on the issues.

Local boards will receive a further update on the Auckland Water Strategy this month. Public consultation is expected to take place from February to April.