Penlink report

Auckland Chamber of Commerce chief executive Michael Barnett’s recent presentation about the building of Penlink to “selected developers”, investors, Hibiscus & Bays Local board chair Julia Parfitt and member Janet Fitzgerald concluded that the project must proceed, no matter what.

Mr Barnett said that Auckland Transport needs to be encouraged to provide a clear, simplified pathway for delivery of Penlink as a Public Private Partnership. He said this should include a project description including benefits and costs, an indicative programme for the build, issues and risks.

His presentation, which is linked here [72KB], says that the next step for the group spearheaded by the Chamber of Commerce is to form a ‘champions’ leadership team, tasked and resourced to develop a new conversation on why Penlink is needed, what it will deliver and how and when it can be built.

His report says that all channels are to be used to meet this end, including briefing key stakeholders with the aim of “short-circuiting any torpedoes to try and stop the initiative”.