Vector does u-turn on power line placement

A Stanmore Bay couple, who were having to adjust their view of the world following a Vector decision to string a 400v line in front of their home, have had a resolution after approaching Hibiscus Matters.

Phil and Linda Moore bought their home in Duncansby Road five years ago “specifically for the view”.
All was fine until Vector recently replaced a nearby power pole.

“The pole looked fine,” Phil says. “They could have just trimmed a few trees and left it as it was.

“Instead, they strung a line right across our view. When we enquired, we were told the pole needed to be this new height for health and safety reasons.

“We’ve gone from having a lovely view of the bay to thinking that a gondola full of tourists is about to ride past our lounge and deck.”

The couple took their complaint to Vector four weeks ago, but heard nothing until Hibiscus Matters asked for information about the work. The Moores were contacted a few days later to say that the wire will be lowered.

“We are very, very relieved and happy that Vector has agreed to lower the line and we can’t wait to get our view back,” Phil says.

Vector, New Zealand’s largest distributor of electricity, says it always tries to contact those directly affected by its work.

“In this case, while we informed residents who lived next to the work there may have been others in the area, who are not directly impacted but have an interest, whom we did not contact initially,” a spokesperson says. “We have subsequently been in contact with other local residents and are discussing their concerns with them.”

The spokesperson said the work was required after a survey identified a pole and part of the power line in the area that needed replacement in order to meet safety standards, including those ensuring electricity lines are a safe height above ground.