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We asked our Facebook followers if the use of recreational cannabis should become legal in NZ. Here were some of the responses:

Gaby Bailey It should have been legal along time ago. The amount of people it will help is nuts
bringing a comfort of life many people have lost due to illnesses or mental health.

Peter Cox I totally agree with the medical use which is legal, but I cant see any reason to legalise loose leaf use as it will still be like alcohol and there is no place in the workplace for either substance.

Colin Williams I see no issue with it, personally I can’t stand the stuff but it doesn’t bother me if someone else wants to.

Poll results
Most people supported the proposed Bill.

See our Facebook page Mahurangi Matters for more comments and debate.


We asked our Facebook followers if New Zealanders should be given help to die if they request it. Here were some of the responses:

Nick Waterson The thin end of the wedge. Starts as voluntary but who knows where it leads. One
hundred years from now, government sanctioned euthanasia?

Rosie Carnahan-Darby The best argument I read this week said “suicide is the decision between life
and death, euthanasia is between death and death”. It’s just letting the terminally ill take control of their
exit. I didn’t expect to support that, but I do.

June Bartlett Absolutely. It comes under the heading of compassion. In fact this is something that should always have just been there and not even requiring legislation.


Poll results
Most people supported the proposed Act.

See our Facebook page Mahurangi Matters for more comments and debate.