2020 ends on generous note

Mahurangi Matters, Rodney Womens Centre, Homebuilders in Warkworth and Warkworth Foodbank extend a heartfelt thanks to the many generous individuals and organisations who donated to our 2020 Christmas appeal.

Carloads of food and toys were distributed to local families who would have otherwise struggled to celebrate Christmas.

Homebuilders Family Services coordinator Quentin Jukes said the Christmas appeal was an amazing show of compassion and kindness by the community.

“It just underlines what a generous and thoughtful community we are part of,” he said. “Last year was a very emotionally and financially stressful year for so many people.

“While Christmas traditionally is a time to catch up and spend time with family, it can also be a time when expectations place even more strain on people.

“This is especially the case for those with children.”

Quentin said it was heart-warming to see so many people offering their practical support, through the donation of food and gifts, to those who were going through a hard time.

“We really want to pass on our sincere “thank yous” from the families who have received this support.”