Council untroubled by erosion

Auckland Council will continue to monitor erosion at Snells Beach, but is confident natural processes will restore the affected area to its former state.

Last month, parts of the grass reserve area off Snells Beach Road deteriorated leaving some pohutukawa tree roots exposed and reducing the bank, between the walkway and beach.

Council staff met with Snells Beach Resident and Ratepayers Association chair Maurie Hooper to examine the damage.

Head of operational management and maintenance Agnes McCormack says the erosion is a result of storms combined with large tides.

“This erosion is a natural process and to be expected, given the weather conditions,” Agnes says.

“The pohutukawa trees on the reserve edge appear to be healthy, but we are still waiting for the arborist’s confirmation.”

Agnes believes the damaged area will re-form over summer and sees no need for a seawall at this stage, as no infrastructure is at risk from the erosion.

Maurie agreed with Council’s analysis that the erosion was a natural process that should recover itself.