Road issues dominate Local Board Plan feedback

Road sealing, traffic congestion and transport safety issues were top of mind for most people who provided feedback on the draft Rodney Local Board Plan 2020, in July and August.

A total of 271 submissions were received, via online forms, hard copies and social media, which resulted in 14 changes or additions to the plan that outlines Board spending priorities over the next three years.

At a special meeting to receive the feedback and adopt the revised draft plan on November 4, Local Board advisor Justin Kary said respondents were asked to choose up to three issues that were important to them and that the Board could advocate for with relevant organisations.

“Of the eight options, two stood out: advocate for improved road safety and maintenance, particularly on unsealed roads (81 per cent) and advocate for traffic congestion to be addressed (53 per cent),” he said.

As a result, the plan wording was altered to make it explicit that Auckland Transport funding should be ring-fenced for road budgets to make sure funding was used for specific road work purposes.

Other themes and concerns that emerged in the feedback included the need for more initiatives to respond to Māori aspirations, provision of parks and recreation, planning for urban growth and town centres, pest eradication and protection of the natural environment, marine life and coastal areas.

The 2020 plan is built around five aspirational outcomes – safe, improved transport options connecting communities; a healthy and protected natural environment; infrastructure and development that meets the needs of growing communities; resilient communities that have access to what they need; and local parks and recreations facilities that meet the needs of growing communities.

Local Board chair Phelan Pirrie said the plan was about how these things could be achieved in the best possible way during challenging, post-Covid-19 times.

“We must strike the right balance between affordability and aspiration,” he said. “There is no getting around it – the next three years will be a challenge, give New Zealand’s economic outlook and Council’s constrained financial resources.”

But he said great things could still be achieved for Rodney if everyone worked together and focused on what was important.

Board members voted unanimously to adopt the revised Rodney Local Board Plan 2020, which would be finalised and available to view online early next year.
