Speaker recounts Myanmar cruise

Warkworth Men’s Fellowship Club, formerly known as Men’s Probus, has under gone another name change following its affiliation with the Rebus organisation.

The club will now be called Warkworth Men’s Rebus (Retired Business & Professionals) Club. Guest speaker at last month’s meeting was Peter Armstrong (pictured), who recounted his five-day cruise along the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar. Peter is a pastor and English teacher, and has spent 28 days each year, since 2005, teaching English in Myanmar. The cruise, from Bhamo in the far north to Mandalay in the centre was on a local boat owned by a Burmese family. The father was their skipper and his wife was the cook. They visited many small villages, including one dedicated to making pottery.

They also visited an elephant training camp for the teak logging industry, saw rare Irrawaddy freshwater dolphins and went through picturesque river gorges. For more information about the Rebus Club, phone Bob Dye on 425 0089.