Health – Unfeeling fingers

Numbness and tingling in the fingers is a very common condition. Carpal tunnel syndrome, or pressure on the median nerve at the wrist, affects between 3 to 5 per cent of the population. This presents as numbness, tingling, or pins and needles in all or some of the thumb, index, middle and part of the ring finger. It most commonly affects working age people and the elderly. It is most common in females but can affect anyone at any age. It usually starts out at night and wakes people up. It can also occur when driving or while doing a repetitive task.

At first symptoms are sporadic, but if left untreated symptoms can become constant and lead to weakness in the hand and wasting of the muscles of the thumb. Diagnosis is most often done clinically. Confirmatory tests, such as ultrasound or nerve conduction studies are only required in a few situations. Initial treatment consists of splint and hand therapy alone. But the condition may require injections or surgery. Surgery is very straightforward, is often done under local anaesthetic only and takes about 10-15 minutes to do.

Numbness and tingling in the ring and little finger (cubital tunnel syndrome) is much less common and arises from pressure on a different nerve (ulna), usually at the elbow. However, most of the time the symptoms are only found in the hand. The two syndromes are very similar in their presentation and diagnosis, with the only difference being the fingers affected. For this reason, if you develop these symptoms it is very helpful to pay close attention to exactly which fingers are affected. Surgery for cubital tunnel syndrome is also a quick procedure, taking about 25 minutes with a general anaesthetic.

Many people have these symptoms for many years not knowing that there is a quick and simple solution. Recently, I had an elderly lady who had had intermittent symptoms for years and thought it was just a thing that happens when you get older. It was not until she went to her GP for an unrelated condition that she bought it up with him. Four weeks later, after three years of symptoms occurring nearly every night, we took away all her symptoms with a 10-minute procedure. She was ecstatic.

Rodney Surgical Centre has a specialist hand clinic once every four weeks.

Anything that requires x-rays or arthroscopic surgery (using a camera and tiny cuts) can be performed at Southern Cross North Harbour in Glenfield. 

Dr John Mutu-Grigg, Rodney Surgical Centre