Viewpoint – Consultation time

Over the coming months there are opportunities to let the government and Auckland Council know your views.

Penlink is out for consultation on tolling. Charging a toll for Penlink doesn’t stack up.  The best way to maximise its use is to make it free. Fellow Councillor John Watson’s points on charging and funding in the last issue (HM January 24) cover this – times have changed since Penlink was first proposed as an entirely toll funded project.

If there is to be congestion charging, that is the time to include Penlink as part of some form of charge rather than an addition. 

If there is to be a toll then making travel free for vehicles with two or more passengers would improve traffic flows not only on Penlink but also the roads and transport network either side of the route. Then integrate with a new Park and Ride on the Whangaparāoa side – not presently part of the plan. These options should be part of the consultation.

Protecting and preserving as much of the natural environment as possible is also essential – especially the Archers Block on the Whangaparāoa side and as much bush on the Stillwater side as possible. Effectively this is to help adjust for the damage that the new route causes. I urge you to make this request to save these special areas.

The proposed Three Waters Plan is an asset grab that will make the management of all forms of water unaccountable. Councils were told they could opt out. However we now know this was never the case. Political pressure on the government looks like the only thing that will have an effect. Yes there will be government select committee hearings later, but contacting MPs is probably one of the most effective things to do.  Water, sewerage and stormwater are some of the most important functions of Council that should be localised as much as possible.

Ex Auckland Councillor Mike Lee is leading the charge on another consultation issue – Regional Parks. What has not been highlighted in the ‘Have your Say’ information is the proposal to make the Hauraki Gulf facing parks – including Shakespear and Wenderholm – subject to co-governance under the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. This amounts to putting these regional parks into what may well be an unelected authority. Like the proposed Three Waters reform it could mean local influence will be gone.

An impact of Covid I emphasised in September last year has been the pressure on local park and beach space. We need to prevent the ‘free for all’ over summer that has seen parking on beaches and reserve spaces and even overnight camping at locations where this should not be happening. The Local Board responded, with improved signs and bollards being added in some locations. There is an urgent need for advance planning and consultation to identify and cater for parking in locations that are appropriate and can be managed. This type of approach is what is needed for the Manly beachfront and Manly Park areas so that we can continue to have accessibility to these popular beach areas.

What do these things have in common? Speaking out, taking a stand, doing the homework and advocating for what is best for Auckland and our area. It continues to be a privilege to represent the area and work for the greater good.

Albany Ward Councillor