Dee Pignéguy

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  • Dee Pignéguy

Gardening – Fertiliser gets down and dirty

The first fertiliser produced by chemical processes was ordinary super phosphate made in the early 19th century by treating bones with sulphuric acid. Plant available...

Gardening – Versatile nettle

Weeds have been used as food for centuries – wild celery, wild onions, watercress, dandelion, borage, purslane and, of course, nettles. Nettles are perennials and...

Gardening – Preparing for the apocalypse!

As her mum packed away the groceries, my granddaughter asked if she was preparing for the apocalypse.  Perhaps we could start preparing by saving our...

Gardening – Drying herbs at home

The earliest physicians were all herbalists, using plants such as basil, horehound, rue, wormwood, sage, and garlic. For thousands of years medicine depended almost exclusively...

Gardening – April garden bursts with veggies

Are you one of the gardeners rethinking your lifestyle during the ‘cost of fresh vegetables crisis’?   Perhaps now is the perfect time to consider...

Gardening – Insects – eat or be eaten!

There are more than 200 million insects for every human living on Earth, mostly out of sight, yet essential for maintaining life on Earth.  ...

Gardening – Big challenges on small site

Gardening on 525sqm in a new subdivision has its challenges, as I found out recently when I visited a local gardener (who did not want...

Gardening – Celebrating the light

Despite 10,000 years of depending on plants for their very survival, humans, who had prospered by learning from their environment, didn’t recognise the part light...

Gardening – Fighting disease as nature intended

If you are a gardener, you will have realised that disease is multifaceted and only in a few cases can it be attributed to a...

Gardening – Tackling pests, nature’s way

New subdivisions have flourished on the peninsula recently, bringing in many fledgling gardeners.  A number have asked me if I would help them plan a...