Ōrewa Primary ultimate winners

The Silverdale Aces say they are “keen as” to keep playing Ultimate after the competition ends.

The Disc Devils, from Ōrewa Primary School, won the sixth annual Hibiscus Coast Interschool Ultimate Frisbee competition held at Metro Park on April 4.

Games were close throughout the competition, which included Year 5 and 6 students from Whangaparāoa, Warkworth, Dairy Flat and last year’s champions, Silverdale School.

Players from Ultimate Frisbee clubs across Auckland umpired the event, being recruited for the day through Ultimate Auckland, a not-for-profit organisation that promotes the sport.

However, umpire Campbell Jordan, 21, says normally, the sport has no umpires at all.

“Even at a world level, Ultimate is only governed by the players calling the fouls themselves, or what we call the ‘spirit of the game’,” he says.

Campbell says the sport is unusual for having mixed-gender teams.

Members of the Silverdale School Aces say they like that Ultimate is similar to traditional sports they already play, feeling like a mix of netball,because players can’t step, and rugby because players score by getting over the line.

Umpire Hamish Ford, 19, who has represented New Zealand, says it is great to see schools encouraging the sport.