Mahurangi Matters, 16 August 2017 – Off the Record

No doubts

When a Warkworth resident contacted Mahurangi Matters about getting to the bottom of the sewage in Elizabeth Street, we asked him if he was sure it was raw sewage. His reply left no room for doubt – “I think I know what turds and toilet paper look like!”

Feeling sheepish

A recent community working bee to plant 400 native plants in and around Matakana’s Jubilee Park and tennis courts proved extremely popular, not least with some local livestock. A Matakana Community group member noticed there were about 100 sheep in the paddock the day before, but with a bit of can-do ingenuity and ad hoc help from friends and neighbours, the planting area was rudimentarily fenced off. Unfortunately, the planters forgot to shut the gate when they left. The next morning at least 15 sheep were back inside the fence sampling the new vegetation, plus “some very big animals indeed”, which simply walked through a weaker part of the barricade – 10 metres of orange plastic mesh.

Housewife’s revenge

Attending a Labour party fundraiser the other week, a Mahurangi Matters reporter found himself seated next to former MP Judy Keall. Judy said when she stood for parliament, she found herself up against a clever-clogs rival being talked up in the press because of his multiple degrees. She, on the other hand, was depicted as an uninspiring housewife. Rather than try to distance herself from the label, she made a point of being in the supermarket every day wearing her Labour Party rosette and finding it an excellent venue to chat to constituents. Judy took care to always do a little actual shopping, thus legitimising her presence. The clever-clogs soon realised what was happening and decided to copy the same ruse. Sadly, he neglected to do any shopping and was promptly booted out by management.