Big weather range in 2016

Last year saw extremes at both ends of the rainfall scale in Warkworth, with the wettest year since 2003 and the driest December since 2000.

A total of 1734mm of rain fell during the year, 22 per cent more than the average rainfall per year since 2000 and 59 per cent more than 2015.

In December, the average rainfall recorded around the district was 30mm, 35mm less than the next lowest amount recorded in 2006.

August was the wettest since 2000 with 250mm of rain, 59 per cent more than the average since 2000.
Rain in November was 122mm, the wettest it’s been since 2001, while the most rainfall in one day was 80mm recorded in July.

Rainfall statistics are measured from Alnwick Street in Warkworth, as well as by residents in the Kaipara Hills, Woodcocks Road, Whangateau and Algies Bay.