Protected for perpetuity

Hopper Development, which plans to develop its 20 sites along Whangaparāoa Road  – 472-502 Whangaparāoa Road and 4 Brightside Road – has guaranteed the safety of this protected pohutukawa tree on the nearby roadside.

The tree is on Auckland Council’s road reserve adjacent to Hoppers sites, but there remained fears for its future as access to the development sites was sorted out, despite Hoppers’ stated aim of protecting the tree.

Recently Hoppers chief executive Andy Grey confirmed the company has resource consent to access the western most lot on its land from the main existing slip lane entry to the east, further down Whangaparāoa Road.

“This will ensure that the large feature pohutukawa on the bend is protected for perpetuity,” he said. “We are in the process of assembling a consultant team to design an overall concept [for the development] and assess the effects of such proposal before a submission to Auckland Council,” Grey said.