Hibiscus road safety to get million dollar investment

Projects which the local board has prioritised to improve safety on local roads, are now being designed by Auckland Transport (AT).

The suggested costs are $1.3m for a raised zebra crossing, driver sign and new footpaths at the intersection of Hibiscus Coast Highway, Whangaparāoa Road and Millwater Parkway; $450,000 for a one-way (northbound) treatment for Bakehouse Lane in Ōrewa, and $150,000 for a pedestrian refuge island on Whangaparāoa Road near the Manly Fire Station.

At its July 25 meeting, the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board approved these projects going to design, but some further decisions about which ones proceed will need to be made.

Member Jake Law said there are concerns among the business community about the loss of a number of carparks in Bakehouse Lane that is inevitable if the road becomes one-way. The potential for the changes at Bakehouse to cause traffic issues for surrounding streets is also a concern, he said.

All local boards are allocated money by AT to spend on local projects (this is called the Transport Capital Fund). This term, Hibiscus and Bays got $2,830,661 but that amount will be reduced following recent cuts in the AT budget. The cuts reduced the Transport Capital Fund from $45m, across 21 local boards, to $35m. The specifics of how much this will reduce what Hibiscus and Bays has to spend is yet to be worked out, an AT spokesperson told the meeting.

Once the design is done, the projects will come back to the local board for further decision making.

Backstories, June 26