Candlelight event returns

Photos, Anna Thoroughgood.

Warkworth Rotary helped the town get into the spirit of Christmas with its annual Carols by Candlelight evening on December 1. Thankfully, the weather stayed fine and several hundred people attended the outdoor event at the end of Baxter Street.

Organisers felt it was a very successful evening.

“The transformation of the Warkworth Brass Band into the WBB Big Band meant a change in music and a pointer towards further development in future years,” they said. “The choir Matakantata was also a great addition to the programme.

“Rotarian Mick Saunders, the organiser for many years, sadly died last year, but had left notes about the things that needed to be done. This year it was a case of dusting off that information and learning for future years.”

This will mean making the annual event bigger and better.

“We would like to involve more schools and have a longer programme so that we get back to finishing in dark with the lights and glow sticks giving atmosphere.”

Rotary thanked Tom Ryan Cartage for supplying a truck for the stage and Absolute Scaffolding for the scaffolding for the stage backdrop, potentially expensive items that were supplied free of charge.

Northland Waste and Hireworks Warkworth were also thanked for their support.