Choir celebrates Christmas

Choir director Jenny Eirena is a familiar face on the Mahurangi music scene
Accompanist John Wells.

The Matakantata Choir will present Faces of Christmas for its Christmas concerts this month.

The choir will sing two choral items by concert organist and composer John Wells, a Rodney local and the accompanist for the choir. As well as the usual choral fare, there will be some light-hearted pieces.

Directed by Jenny Eirena, the choir has grown, post-Covid, to 28 members. New and original members are enjoying the chance to sing in harmony again, after two years of restrictions.

The two concerts will be held at the Point Wells Hall on Friday, November 25 at 7.30pm, and at the Mahurangi Presbyterian Church on Sunday, November 27 at 2.30pm.

Tickets will be available from Harts Pharmacy, Warkworth and Gull Service Station, Matakana.