Marines confirm Warkworth date

The concert at the Warkworth Museum will be a rare opportunity to hear a band of the calibre of the Marine Corps Forces Pacific Band. Photo, US Marine Corps Sgt. Ashley Cook.

Big band lovers are in for a treat this weekend when the Marine Corps Forces Pacific Band plays a one-hour concert at the Warkworth Museum, in Parry Kauri Park.

The band is in New Zealand to bring “the aloha spirit” from their home base in Kaneohe Hawaii to Aotearoa.

During World War II, about 5000 US service members were in Warkworth and created connections in the area that continue to this day.

The band is comprised of 45 marines, under the direction of CWO4 Andres Navarro. All band members are fully trained riflemen, as well as professional musicians. A spokesperson says the tour is aimed at entertaining and educating audiences as they represent United States values of honour, courage and commitment through the balance of musical excellence.

Museum manager Victoria Joule says the museum is expecting a contemporary band that plays rock, country and popular music, as well as adding in some jazz and swing numbers.

“There will be something for everyone in the show,” she says.

The concert will be free and entry to the museum on the day will be discounted.

The band will play under the sheltered area alongside the museum so visitors are encouraged to bring along a picnic, a chair or blanket to enjoy the music.

The concert will be held on Saturday, April 29, starting at 11.30am.