Quilters celebrate silver jubilee

Hibiscus Coast Quilters (formerly Coast Quilters) was formed 25 years ago, and past and present members marked the occasion on May 28 with a celebratory lunch at Rotary House in Silverdale.

Club founder Louise Lee spoke about the beginning of the club in 1992, when she advertised for women interested in quilting to join her at Red Beach Methodist Church.  Although Louise no longer lives on the Hibiscus Coast, she is thrilled that the women of the Coast have kept alive her fundamental reasons for starting the club – women supporting each other and sharing and appreciating creativity through patchwork and quilting.

Hundreds of women have been associated with the club over the years and many hundreds of quilts have been sewn and admired. As well as regular meetings, the group offers classes and workshops for beginning and experienced quilters.  

The club has regular quilting bees to create charity quilts and donates these to a variety of community organisations. Members also make small pillows for Auckland Hospital to support patients comfortably after heart surgery.

They have exhibited their work in many local venues – from Silverdale’s Pioneer Village to Estuary Arts Centre and even in tents by Orewa Beach.  

More recently, biennial quilt shows have been held at Orewa Community Centre – where the club will hold their Silver Anniversary Exhibition on August 19–20.

Info: email hibiscuscoastquilters@gmail.com or phone 428 5609.