Riverbank housing case argued

The hearing was held in the Warkworth Town Hall.

A two-day hearing into an application to build 49 houses between Sandspit Road and the Mahurangi River was heard at Warkworth Town Hall last month.

Developer Denis Horner wants to build the new homes at 34 and 36 Sandspit Road, a non-complying activity under the two sites’ current Future Urban zoning. The properties are also part of a significant ecological area and feature natural and historic heritage overlays.

A panel of three independent commissioners, chair Karyn Sinclair, Nicki Williams and Cherie Lane, heard that Auckland Council consultant planner Andrew Miller was recommending that the application be refused.

However, barrister for the applicant Jeremy Brabant said there were a range of positive effects arising from the proposal, including new reserves, pathways into Warkworth town centre and public access to historic riverside lime kilns.

He said the mixed housing development was “efficient, effective and appropriate” for the site, which he said was unlike any other and already in a residential area, and he encouraged commissioners to approve the application with conditions.

More than a dozen submitters were in favour of the planned development, since it would provide public access to the northern side of the riverbank and provide a range of housing within walking distance of the town centre.

Eight people raised objections, largely on traffic safety and congestion grounds. There were also concerns over the stability of the land, stormwater issues, a lack of parking, the heritage kilns and how the development might affect the local landscape and ecology.

The hearing was adjourned on March 28 pending receipt of additional information, which the panel will consider between themselves, since the public part of the process is finished. A decision is expected by the end of the month.

A private plan change application has also been submitted to rezone the land as Residential Mixed Housing Urban, and to alter heritage and outstanding natural landscape overlays.