Christmas donations desperately needed

Hibiscus Coast Community House office coordinator, Judith Pearce surrounded by empty foodbank shelves

Hibiscus Matters cannot run our annual collection for local charities this Christmas, as we are not yet back in our Florence Avenue office. For many years we have taken in kind donations of treat foods to support Love Soup, the Hibiscus Coast Community House and Salt Trust with their foodbanks and Christmas parcels.

Those organisations still desperately need that support, and here’s how you can help:

Salt Community Trust
This Silverdale based organisation has a foodbank and is making up Christmas hampers again this year. Salt’s Jodie Leqeta says they would appreciate any donations as they are already supporting more than 120 families and usually end up with 30-40 more by Christmas time. “Budget constraints mean meeting the demand this year is going to be a challenge,” she says.
The Trust also gladly accepts financial donations towards perishable food items.
All donations can be dropped into the Salt Op Shop, 41 Florence Ave, Ōrewa during business hours.

Salt shopping list: Lollies and marshmallows, Jelly and Instant Desserts, Chocolate biscuits and crackers, Meringue nests, Juice, Onion soup mix and, Reduced Cream, Pancake shake mix and Maple Syrup.

Hibiscus Coast Community House
Hibiscus Coast Community House office coordinator, Judith Pearce, says its Ōrewa foodbank service is flat out and desperate for supplies. “In October we had more than 44 parcels to prepare for the local community and most of them were large families,” she says. The previous month was similar. People out there are definitely struggling to feed their families. We are almost out of food again having been to the supermarket ourselves at least six or seven times. We are still receiving generous donations but we just can’t keep up with the demand.”

Community House list: Long life milk, milk powder, Tinned vegies and fruit, Baked beans and spaghetti, Pasta sauces, Milo, tea, coffee, drink sachets, Jam, Weetbix or cornflakes, Pasta and rice, Muesli bars, biscuits, crackers, Tinned or packet soup, Tinned tuna/chicken (mild flavours), Gluten free food. All donations gratefully received – no expired items please.

Love Soup
Love Soup will hold a free Christmas dinner at Whangaparāoa Hall on December 19. It also provides food parcels, and demand is high at this time of year. Director Julie King says the team are after any Christmas treat food such as sweets, chocolates, biscuits, Christmas puddings, candy canes etc. Donations should be handed in at their new centre at 1 Brightside Road, Stanmore Bay, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10am-2pm. Other times, take donations to 87 Stanmore Bay Road or to Whangaparāoa Hall, every third Sunday of the month, 10am-7pm.

NZ Sothebys International Realty office at 1/326 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Ōrewa has begun collecting gift donations for Woven Earth, a charity that helps family violence survivors rebuild their lives by furnishing their houses. Any Christmas gifts for children, gift vouchers, blankets, or household items are welcome – anything that could help someone starting over. The collection started November 10 and runs until December 15. Drop off is between 9am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.