Community contributes to Guide kitchen refit

Brownie and Ranger leaders Kathleen Sunderland, left, and Clare Grimwood, right, receive the money from Rotary Ōrewa-Millwater president Robert Hodgkinson. Also at the presentation were Rotary’s Kristy Wei and several Ōrewa Guides and Brownies.

The kitchen in the Ōrewa Guides den in Centreway Road will get a much-needed makeover, if the final few thousands needed can be raised by Guides.

The kitchen, described by Brownie and Ranger leader Kathleen Sunderland as “vintage”, dates from the 1960s and is no longer fit for purpose. Rusty nails hold down parts of the benchtop.

It is well used by Pippins, Brownies, Guides and Rangers, especially when they host others.

It has taken almost a year of sausage sizzles, and donations from local businesses to raise $8500 of the $12,000 required for the refit. 

A chunk of that money came from the Rotary Club of Ōrewa-Millwater, which recently presented a donation of $1052 towards the project – the proceeds of a quiz night held especially for Ōrewa Guides.

Kathleen says Bunnings has also been particularly supportive, donating money and providing good deals. Parent help will also be key in keeping costs down.

All the kitchen units will be replaced, the floor fixed, and a new oven and mixer taps installed.

Kathleen says Ōrewa Guides hopes to have raised the money for the work by February, so that the refit can be done next year.

Anyone who can assist with the project is welcome to email