Community van for elderly investigated

Investigations are underway into the feasibility of buying a community van to provide transport for the elderly living in care facilities in the Mahurangi area.

The idea has been put forward by Moana Hehepoto and Mark Elley, who recently organised a fundraising movie night to kick start the appeal. Although the night was billed as a fundraiser to buy a van for the Amberlea Care Home at Algies Bay, Elley says it has been recognised that the need for the van might be more widely spread.

“The van would be an opportunity to take residents shopping or to special events, which is not always possible at present,” Elley says.

“We’re approaching Lions and Rotary to see if they might like to own the van on behalf of the community.”

Amberlea unit administrator Mary-Ellen Kearney says residents’ outings normally involve hiring a taxi van, which can become expensive.

The taxi van is also limiting because it does not have the ability to take those in wheelchairs.

“If we were lucky enough to have the use of a van, this would be one of the modifications we would like to see included,” she said.

“Last week the residents were taken to the Warkworth Museum where they also had a coffee. They enjoy getting out to places such as Brick Bay or cafes in town.”

If anyone is interested in supporting this initiative, they should contact Mark Elley at