Course focuses on diabetes

A free diabetes self-management education programme will be held in Warkworth on September 9.

The one-day course will be led by a registered nurse and a dietitian, and is designed specifically for people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

A spokesperson says the course will help participants better understand their condition and provide ideas on how to self-manage their health.

Type 2 diabetes can sometimes be managed initially through lifestyle modification including a healthy diet, weight management and regular exercise.

“We teach people how to live well with type 2 diabetes through medication management, diet, exercise, avoiding complications from diabetes and managing stress,” the spokesperson says.

Participants are encouraged take along a support person, particularly if that person does most of the cooking in the house. Lunch will be provided.

The day is run in small groups and will cover:
• Healthy eating: label reading, good and bad fats, food choices
• How to stop/control effects of diabetes on the body (eyes, kidney, heart, nerves, feet)
• Medications – how do they work and new choices available
• Blood test results and what do they mean
• Goal setting
• How to be the best with your health team

The course will be held at the Totara Park Village, Melwood Drive. Bookings are essential and can be made by emailing or phone 09 448 0019 or 09 415 1091 during normal office hours.