Families say “thanks” to awesome Dads

Evie and Pax, with the dad Steve and his Father’s Day presents.
Evie and Pax wrote this poem as their entry:

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the Mahurangi Matters Father’s Day promotion and especially the four lucky winners who took away a swag of prizes, kindly donated by local businesses (listed right).

Judging by the entries, there are some really awesome Dads in our communities, who may not know it, but they are truly appreciated by their spouses, children, grandchildren and extended families.

There were so many heartwarming stories of Dads who were playing such an important role in their children’s lives – whether that was by taking them to sport, making them pancakes, telling them jokes and making them laugh, or being there for someone at a critical time in their life.

Several people noted that they had come to appreciate how much their Dad had done for them (and just how awful they had been as teenagers!), only when they had children of their own.

It made choosing the winners extremely difficult. Eventually, the prizes went to Steve Stewart, Andrew Wood, Danny Cash and Shane Hemana.