Hope celebrates centre opening

The Mahurangi Presbyterian Church, now known as the Hope Church, is planning a morning celebration on Saturday, March 2 to mark the opening of its new $11 million centre in Mansel Drive.

After two years of construction, but nearly 30 years in the pipeline, the centre’s opening will mark a new era for the church community.

Reverend Nick McLennan says he is extremely excited about the possibilities that the new centre presents.

“It’s been a long time coming,” he says.

The morning will start with a powhiri at 9am, followed by talks, performances and prayers. It will involve representatives of the Presbyterian Church of NZ, local pastors, school students and members of the Kiribati and Pacific communities, which have a long association with the church.

The new complex includes a chapel, function centre currently being used for church services, the Warkworth Christian Foodbank, sports courts and facilities, a café area, commercial kitchen, meeting and conference rooms, as well as church offices. A large auditorium on the Mahurangi River side of the building will eventually be fitted out as a church and conference centre as funds become available.

Members of the public are welcome to join the celebrations on March 2, and an open day is being planned for later in the year.

The new centre is located on one hectare of land at 22 Mansel Drive, across the road from the Summerset Falls Retirement Village and behind Warkworth Toyota.