Mangawhai artists inspired by in sequence of numbers

Works by Pauline Mann will feature in Fibonacci: Math and Magic

Four artists will explore the Fibonacci sequence in a new exhibition opening at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery later this month.

The Fibonacci sequence is an endless series of numbers where each number in the series is the sum of its two previous numbers.

The series is a mathematical way of describing how many things grow, including shells, cones, flowers, human DNA and spiral galaxies.

Participating artist Mandy Thomsett-Taylor says the exhibition proposes ideas around design, pattern and logic that interest her.

“I grapple both in life and in art-making for balance and order, but tend to descend into riotousness at the first opportunity,” she says.

The other artists represented at the exhibition are Bridget Mintoft, Pauline Mann and Nicola Everett,
Ms Everett says she has always been interested in the patterns created by nature.

“To me, pattern contains the essence and beauty of an object,” she says.

She hopes people will come away from the exhibition with a curiosity for looking more carefully at the complexity, simplicity and rhythm of patterns in nature, to observe and consider what is often overlooked.  

The exhibition is entitled Fibonacci: Math and Magic and it opens on February 25 at 6pm. The gallery is located at 45 Moir Street.