Paint pot campaign for food

As foodbank shelves run low on stock after Christmas and amid rising demand, Salvation Army is holding its annual Resene Hunger for Colour fundraising campaign, which sees Kiwis donate cans of food in exchange for paint test pots.

Until February 29, visitors to Resene stores can swap two cans of food for a test pot.

The food goes to local Salvation Army foodbanks. “Being able to rely on Resene each year really makes a difference in helping ensure families don’t go hungry,” territorial director of community ministries Jono Bell says.

“Knowing that we can restock our shelves with food to share with those in need is wonderful and an amazing way to start the year.”

Over nine years, the fundraiser has helped put more than 300,000 cans on foodbank shelves.

Resene has donated paint worth more than $1.5 million.