Singer performs swansong

Jocelyn at her final performance at Evelyn Page Retirement Village.

At the age of 83, Jocelyn Stubbing retired from entertaining residents of Evelyn Page village with a final performance on December 15.

She has been singing and playing her keyboard at the village since it opened, 12 years ago. After the performance she said a fond farewell to people around the village.

“I just loved the old people, and now I’m one of them myself,” she says.

Jocelyn’s singing career included backing vocals for performers such as Tommy Adderley, Lew Pryme and the Dallas Four. She appeared on 1960s TV pop show Happen Inn. She says singing old songs that residents know can trigger memories for her audience.

“Once I was playing Christmas carols in the Evelyn Page hospital, and finished with Silent Night,” Jocelyn says. “There was a dear old soul who was brought out to listen on a roll out bed. She never moved or spoke. When I finished Silent Night, all of a sudden she sang the chorus right through in a pure, perfect pitch voice. We all cried. You get that with music.” 

Jocelyn says in retirement she will continue to play music for fun, and also be doing some gardening.