Sweet Appreciation – Mahu Express team

Warwick Sickling, Roxanne Halliday and Samuel Hohepa.

Congratulations to the Mahu Express team, who are this week’s recipients of the Chocolate Brown Sweet Appreciation Award. They were nominated by Suzanne Butler, who wrote …

The Mahu Express team provides a great service to our community. When I was unable to drive due to a medical condition, this service meant I could get to and from work at North Shore Hospital easily. Wet weather presents lots of challenges, but Warwick and Sam have got us safely to and from our destinations in these very challenging conditions, including on a day the state highway was closed for a number of hours. Roxanne is always quick to respond to any queries so I think they deserve recognition!

Chocolate Brown

To nominate someone you know who deserves a chocolate thank you, email editor@localmatters.co.nz