Tattoos and full shave mark fundraising decade

To baldly go – Bartlett’s radical fundraising look came from Flames Barbers and Laura at ECM Tattoos.

Snells Beach super-citizen Jenny Bartlett has sacrificed her hair yet again to raise money for Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ (LBC).

This is the 10th year Bartlett has taken part in Shave for a Cure and her efforts have raised around $35,000 over the decade. As ever, she has added her own decorative twist to a straightforward shave this year, having her entire skull tattooed with native NZ birds and flowers after the hair came off.

“Last year, I shaved just enough space for a piwakawaka tattoo,” she says. “Because the tattoo wasn’t as painful as I had anticipated, this year it was a full shave and I covered my scalp in iconic NZ fauna and flora.

“I decided I wouldn’t look as bald with a head tattoo, but it’s still flipping chilly!”

Bartlett’s 10-year cancer crusade took a personal turn a few years ago, when her sister was diagnosed with blood cancer, had a stem cell transplant and experienced her hair falling out in clumps. Though she has been well since, she is now facing a new course of treatment, and Bartlett said her latest “singing and soaring” tui tattoo was chosen to represent her sister and her journey.

Bartlett had her first shave when she was working as a women’s health physiotherapist in the maternity service at North Shore Hospital.

“I believe the hardest things to deal with are the issues that are out of our control, such as the demands of new motherhood, including bladder and bowel leakage; the aftermath of earthquakes (and recent weather events); and the unexpected diagnosis of a chronic, possibly terminal, illness,” she says

“Knowing I could choose to lose my hair and this would prompt people to support the LBC cause was an easy step.”

The next year, Bartlett shaved her hair to a bright pink mohawk on the day she retired from North Shore and has continued to Shave for a Cure ever since.

“I shave my hair off to remember loved ones and support cancer patients. I want to help find more effective treatments to save lives and help those who don’t choose to lose their hair cope with the shock of it.”

She has raised more than $1300 so far this year and has a year-matching target of at least $2023. To donate, go to