Walk-in clinic to help with money worries

Come in and have a chat – budget service volunteer and committee chair Maureen Bernie outside the weekly Warkworth Town Hall drop-in clinic.

Covid, the cost-of-living crisis and even Christmas have all combined to leave more people than ever struggling to make ends meet this New Year, but help is at hand.

The Warkworth/Wellsford Budget Service has started a weekly drop-in clinic at Warkworth Town Hall, which will be up and running again after the holidays from Tuesday, February 13, between 10.30am and 12.30pm.

The new Warkworth session is in addition to the service’s existing weekly clinic in Wellsford, held at the CAB office in the community centre, at the top of Matheson Road, every Tuesday from 10am to 12 noon.

Financial mentor and committee chair Maureen Bernie says the service is available to anyone with any type of money worry and demand is increasing. While in the past the service tended to see people who could be classified as low-income, she says clients now come from all walks of life. Bernie says client numbers are much higher now than they were this time last year, as food and utility costs soar, but the rapid growth in buy now, pay later schemes is also causing problems.

“One of the biggest issues is the impact of buy now, pay later – people can have multiple buy now, pay laters, all with different payment terms, and there are no controls over them or credit assessments,” she says. “Trying to do a budget around them is really complicated.”

The service is not purely about helping people to manage their budgets – mentors can also act as advocates for clients dealing with government agencies or creditors.

“At times, they can be quite forceful or demanding,” Bernie says. “But we find that if they’re dealing with a third party like us, they’re more likely to be reasonable.”

As well as the drop-in clinics, the service’s financial mentors can arrange appointments with clients and all advice and guidance is provided free of charge, whether short or long-term help is required.

“Sometimes it’s just a conversation or just a handful of sessions that are needed, just to look at what’s happening and make suggestions,” she says.

“We work on a strength-based approach, encouraging clients to do things themselves and take control, and to give them confidence. Sometimes it’s just a matter of working out what the priorities are.”

As well as encouraging people to use the Tuesday drop-in clinics, Warkworth/Wellsford Budget Service is also looking for a new treasurer for an hour or so each week. Anyone who is interested in volunteering, or finding out more about any aspect of the service, can contact service manager Jo Walker on 021 423 788 or email admin@wwbudgetservice.co.nz