Yoga connects fathers and sons

Harry and Maarten Kleyn.

Male-only yoga classes have provided two fathers and their sons on the Coast with a welcoming environment in which to get more flexible, and draw closer together.

Stanmore Bay architect Harry Kleyn, 76, says the “Broga” sessions at Whangaparāoa Hall over the past six months have enabled him to strengthen already solid ties with his 45-year-old son, Maarten, a product developer.

Harry says he’s not particularly “warm” to Father’s Day as a concept, since many father-child relationships are poor or non-existent, and the “commercial aspect” of such days also doesn’t appeal.

However, “I have a fantastic relationship with my son”, and immigrating to New Zealand from the Netherlands four decades ago was great for the family. Harry recalls watching rugby games in Ōrewa on Saturday mornings, and says the two now enjoy pastimes including sailing, fishing and music.

Broga has brought social as well as physical benefits, and instructor Julian Fordyce is a great teacher.

“It’s changed my life, literally,” he says. “I always come back better than I went.”

“I’ve always wanted to try Broga,” says 62-year-old Sean Bonar of Gulf Harbour. A flight attendant for more than 40 years, he says he did several hot yoga sessions during US layovers, and his wife has become “besotted” with Pilates.

Sean and Cameron Bonar

“So when our son Cameron was up from University of Canterbury I suggested we give Broga a go, especially as his sister and mother had done their [Pilates] session in Silverdale that day. To my amazement he agreed.”

“Such great father/son bonding time and I was hooked,” Sean says. “Slept like a baby and felt a few inches taller with great posture the next day. Now it’s my weekly Wednesday thing if I’m home.”

Sean says he gets along really well with Cameron, 20, an engineering student who is enthusiastic about orienteering. During visits home, the two enjoy other activities together, including playing darts at Parāoa.