Cake cut at Shakespear party

Local board deputy chair Julia Parfitt cuts the cake at Shakespear Regional Park with, from left, Cr Wayne Walker, Hibiscus & Bays Local Board member Alexis Poppelbaum and Forest and Bird’s acting chief executive Duncan Toogood.

An important birthday was marked with a day of cake, crafts and nature-themed talks at Shakespear Regional Park on Saturday, February 17.

Forest and Bird NZ officially turned 100 on March 28, last year, which kicked off a year of celebration around the country.

Centennial Project manager, Sarah Satterthwaite, said Shakespear was chosen to connect with the Pest Free Hibiscus Coast Project and the Hibiscus Coast branch supporters and volunteers.

She said an upcoming webinar by Forest and Bird youth, Future of Conservation, will focus on what the next 100 years could bring.

No birthday is complete without cake, and this one included two – the larger one decorated enthusiastically by children.

Acting chief executive Duncan Toogood said volunteers remain at the heart of the organisation, and invited everyone to spend more time in nature.