Hammerhead hearing date set

One of the most controversial resource consent hearings to be held on the Hibiscus Coast for some time – regarding subdivision of the land known as the Hammerhead at the tip of Gulf Harbour marina – will get underway this month.

The recent announcement of the date has left opponents, including Cr Wayne Walker, scrabbling to put together expert witnesses and evidence before the hearing, set down for May 31 to June 3. The hearing will be at Gulf Harbour Country Club.

A total of 375 submissions were received on the proposed subdivision, with one in support, four neutral and the rest opposed.

The outcome, to some extent, is a foregone conclusion as the land known as the Hammerhead, at the tip of Gulf Harbour marina, will be subdivided and leased to Gulf Harbour Investments following a High Court decision in 2009.

However, the hearing gives the public an opportunity to have its say and to do what it can to protect ongoing free public access to the area, which has become a well used hub for the Gulf Harbour ferry service. The boat ramp is also very popular and the site’s role in a Civil Defence emergency is also seen as crucial.

Submissions have been made by Hobbs Wharf developer Top Harbour, which has poured funding into the ferry service, as well as Auckland Transport.

AT is seeking assurances that the existing carpark and turnaround area on the Hammerhead will remain available for public use and accessible by vehicles for the foreseeable future.

The Hibiscus & Bays Local board wants public access to be protected and says that the best way forward is the provision of an esplanade reserve (Queen’s Chain) around the land.

Hearing the application will be commissioners Leigh McGregor (chair), Mark Farnsworth and Rebecca Skidmore.

The agenda will be on the Council’s website, www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz under resource consent hearings 2016.