Introducing: Northlink Physio

Building trust with patients is an important part of providing treatment that is effective and appropriate, according to physiotherapist Danny Chen, who has opened the clinic Northlink Physio in Orewa.

Danny says most physio sessions are around 45 minutes and treatment normally involves multiple appointments.

“This gives me time to get to know people and this is important,” he says. “Sometimes patients find it difficult to talk about their health issues and it takes time to find out what is really going on.

“By building a good relationship over time, I can sometimes uncover some underlying issues, which can make the treatment more effective.”

After graduating from Otago University, Danny took up a job offer with Aged Care in Melbourne.

Many of his patients couldn’t communicate, which made treatment particularly challenging.  

“Elderly patients need special care,” he says. “A lot of their issues are around chronic pain, often related to arthritis, and they present with multiple comorbidities, which makes it a complex presentation.”

Danny uses massage, electrotherapy and acupuncture, where appropriate, and exercise therapy to maintain strength and balance.

“While the medical approach might be to prescribe pills or surgery, a lot of relief can also be achieved with exercise.”

The clinic includes both a treatment room and a small gym.

Danny says he also enjoys working with athletes, whether they are training towards a goal or recovering from injury.

When not on the job, he enjoys diving and photography.