Waterwise programme needs trailer back

Have you seen this trailer, which was stolen from Whangaparāoa Primary last month?

The search is on for a stolen trailer that is used for Waterwise courses at local schools.

It was stolen from a padlocked, secure area at Whangaparāoa Primary School on the night of Saturday, June 17.

No other Waterwise equipment was taken, however Whangaparāoa School principal, Kevin Cronin, says the trailer was used to steal fencing material that had been hired by builders doing upgrade work at the school.

The trailer is unique – it has no flat deck, just a frame to support the rescue inflatable. The top section has a frame to carry six kayaks.

A Waterwise spokesperson says without the trailer to transport its rescue inflatable, Optimist boats and kayaks to venues, students will not be able to take part in the programme. 

“These activities are essential as students learn about water safety prior to going out on the water, while in the water, and on return from the water,” the spokesperson says.

Waterwise is hoping that the community may be able to help by providing information that leads to the recovery of the trailer 

If you see this trailer, please contact the police or email nzschoolswaterwise