Daring days at local libraries

Children’s librarians, Emily Flaws (left) and Fleur Coleman, with some of the holiday programme characters at the Matakana School.

Mysteries and hidden messages will be in the spotlight during the annual Auckland Libraries summer reading programme this year.

Dare to Explore is a free reading, learning and discovery programme for children aged from five to 13 years.
This year’s theme is ‘Dare to Unlock the Secret’ and is designed to help children maintain or improve their reading over the summer break, increase their love of reading, have fun and enjoy an adventurous summer holiday.

It also includes Kia Māia te Whai content in te reo to support and encourage the children’s knowledge of the Maori language.

Warkworth senior librarian Emily Flaws says children receive a booklet and are set a reading goal for the summer. Booklets include a range of activities based on themes such as Top Secret, Cultures and Traditions, and the Mysteries of the Arts.

Challenges range from breaking codes, making music and posting online book reviews, to sharing family recipes and learning about the natural environment.

Activities at Wellsford, Warkworth and Mahurangi East libraries include meeting the Young Ocean Explorers, computer coding, spy school, Minecraft sessions and tai chi lessons.

Activities can be completed at home, on holiday, at the library or online.

The programme will end with a party at the Matakana Country Park.

Children can sign up on the Auckland Libraries website aucklandlibraries.govt.nz or pop into their local library.