Latest Centennial Park masterplan out for public feedback

The 16 hectare park is used by a wide variety of clubs and organisations, but extensive improvements are needed.

Auckland Council’s blueprint plan for Centennial Park in Wellsford is open for public feedback until Friday, December 16.

Community groups, sports clubs and individuals are being encouraged to have a look at the draft masterplan and let Council know what they think about its proposals.

These include planning for a new multi-use facility for existing users and clubs, refurbishing toilets and changing rooms, re-purposing two or three of the tennis courts for netball, and marking out some courts for more than one use, such as tennis and basketball.

The draft masterplan also outlines the possibility of upgrading playground facilities, installing a pump track and/or climbing wall and improving pedestrian and cycle access, and suggests which might be implemented in the short term – one to five years – or long term – five to 10 years-plus.

Rodney Local Board chair Brent Bailey said while the masterplan was subject to funding, around $2 million had already been allocated to renew Council-owned assets in the park over the next five years.

“The park is a cherished part of Wellsford life and making sure future generations continue to use and value it is critical,” he said.

“Residents are encouraged to have their say on what they like and don’t like about the draft. We want to hear about people’s priorities for the park, and any other suggestions they might have.”

The state of facilities at Centennial Park has been a source of frustration for various sports teams and clubs for many years, as courts and facilities have steadily deteriorated – mainly due to drainage and maintenance issues – forcing some sports to abandon the park for other venues.

While there have been several studies, reports and assessments in recent years, few changes or improvements have actually been implemented.

Council said key findings from the masterplan public consultation were scheduled to be presented to the Local Board in February, after which the final version of the Centennial Park masterplan is due to be adopted by the Board in March or April.

The masterplan can be viewed in full, and submissions made at Council’s Have Your Say website:

Submission forms are also available at Wellsford War Memorial Library in Port Albert Road or emails can be sent to