Mahurangi Growth

Auckland’s growth is pushing people further north like a bow wave. While we may consider ourselves still a ‘rural’ community, the reality is that under the current draft Unity Plan, 715 hectares around the town have been identified for urban development. Bricks and mortar, tarseal and cement will replace the orchards and farms that were traditionally part of the Warkworth landscape.

And we may as well face the fact that traffic congestion and less familiarity with our neighbours will come hand-in-hand with the increase in our population to 20,000 in the next 20 to 30 years.

In the next few issues Mahurangi Matters will be looking at some of the issues around growth.

Give us your views on our future

We welcome your contributions to this debate. You can leave comments with these stories online; or send us your letter via email or snail mail PO Box 701 Warkworth.