Wharf house feedback sought

Anyone wanting to provide feedback on a proposal to lease a vacant Auckland Council-owned house on Sandspit Wharf to Ngāti Manuhiri’s Kaitiaki Charitable Trust has until the end of the month to make a submission.

The trust wants to use the former wharf manager’s house next to Sandspit carpark as a marine hub “for the purposes of maritime safety, protection , education and enhancement”, such as work to remove marine seaweed pest caulerpa.

Rodney Local Board voted last September to approve public notification of the intention to grant Ngāti Manuhiri a new community lease, subject to engaging with other mana whenua, and building and resource consents for refurbishment and change of use.

The decision was not straightforward, however, with several members querying the leasing process, the trust’s intentions and why other community groups had not been offered a chance to lease the house.

After hearing that Ngāti Manuhiri was the only group to apply for a lease and they were open to conversation on how the space could be used with the community, there was a split decision that passed with chair Brent Bailey’s casting vote.

The proposed lease would be a five-year term, with five year right of renewal, with a rent of $1300 plus GST per annum and an annual maintenance fee of $5000 plus GST.

Submissions should be emailed to Karen.Walby@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz or posted to Karen Walby, Community Lease Specialist, Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 by 5pm on Friday, May 31.