HOSPICE FEATURE: Rooms share cultural theme

The name of the new hospice building, Tui House, was chosen after a round of brainstorming sessions with staff, the advisory board and interested individuals.

Fundraising coordinator Lesley Ingham said the aim was to come up with a name that was not intimidating for anyone in the community who might need hospice services.

“We visited Dove House, a hospice in Glendowie, where staff said they believed the name of the building had helped people make the initial approach,” Lesley says. “Tui is just a name, but it ticked a lot of boxes because it encompasses a cultural element without the need for translation, provides opportunity for nice imagery and reflects something of the local hospice’s history – we were once housed in Tui House, in the Rural Health Services building, in Warkworth.”

The names of other rooms in the house also reflect a native wildlife theme. The two respite care rooms are called Kiwi and Kakapo, the counselling room will be known as the Rifleman Room, the consulting room as the Fantail and the small meeting room as the Bellbird Room.
Many of the rooms also bear the names of major benefactors.