Snap Dad to win a chainsaw – Fathers Day Competition

It has been a tradition since 1929 for Kiwis to celebrate fathers on the first Sunday in September.

The day recognises the contribution men make to their families as Dads, stepfathers, grandfathers and uncles.

The traditional view of fathers as the main breadwinners for their families has changed in today’s busy world, where both parents are likely to be working.

The modern family dynamic means that Dads are increasingly involved in child rearing and are expected to change nappies, and feed, bathe and put children to bed, just like Mum.

According to the 2013 census, around 36,000 Kiwi men opted to be stay-at-home Dads, compared to 195,000 women, and the trend was growing. In the UK, for instance, one in seven fathers is the main childcare provider.

Dads are also getting older with the median age of fathers increasing from 28.5 in 1980 to 32.4 last year.

The number of solo dads is on the decline, with 23,160 men being sole parents in 2001 compared to 22,845 in 2013, and most solo dads are in fulltime employment (82%).

Thanks to the generous support of the businesses listed below, Mahurangi Matters has vouchers and gifts to the value of nearly $1000 to give away.

The prizes include movie and dinner vouchers, clothing, car detailing and more.

To enter, all you have to do is email your best ‘Me & Dad’ photo to or drop a copy in to 17 Neville Street, Warkworth.

You can also upload them on our Mahurangi Matters Facebook page.

Don’t forget to include your name and daytime phone number.

Every entry received will go into the draw to win.

Terms & conditions

Thank you to the following businesses for their support:
ECM Barbershop, Matakana Car Valet, Warkworth Menswear, The Camera Shop, Franklins Life Pharmacy Warkworth, Matakana Cinemas, Smiths Restaurant Matakana, Wyatt Landscaping Supplies and Stihl Shop Warkworth.