Brent Richie – Hibiscus & Bays Local Board, Hibiscus Coast subdivision

 I’ve lived and worked in Orewa for five years. I’m standing to represent the public’s needs, not for my own agenda. I have a professional management background and have been successfully self-employed for 20 years. I have two step-children at Orewa College and my adult son works in Parliament. I have the time and skill to work hard for the Coast on the Local Board.
What are the three crucial issues facing the Hibiscus Coast?

  • 1. Completing the construction of the Penlink bridge and road with appropriate sensitivity to the local environment being balanced with the needs of the community and local businesses.
  • 2. Improving business development including tourism promotion and better taxi services.
  • 3. Ensuring the Orewa Beach Erosion Protection scheme is completed.

How would you address those issues?

  • 1. I will actively identify and work proactively with organisations and private interest groups to continue to keep this project high on the investment agenda for Auckland Transport, whether it be via a private public partnership (tolls) or funded via Central Government.
  • 2. Local business associations have low memberships and lack formal strategies for their futures. My business and board experience equips me with the skill and knowledge to actively assist these groups to become more focused and competent in achieving results for their members.
  • 3. I was personally involved in leading a successful campaign to fund and build the original sea erosion protection wall for the Punakaiki Village on the West Coast in the late 1990s. The Orewa situation is not dissimilar. I would like to use my experience from that successful project to contribute to the Orewa Sea Erosion Protection strategy, whilst acknowledging the significant work that locals have already contributed to achieving an effective outcome. If elected I would make it one of my priorities to ensure the sea erosion protection consent is granted, funded and the protection wall completed.

What do you hope to achieve as a Local Board member?
I have had a long career in business improvement and business management in New Zealand and overseas. I also sat on a regional tourism board for a number of years. I have a strong interest in getting value for money from Auckland Council and I don’t feel that we currently have responsible fiscal management nor world class best practices being applied at either council or management levels.I want to reduce costs and improve efficiency.